Thursday, January 6, 2011

winter quarter blues

well i actually don't have the blues, yet.. but i'm sure they will hit soon.
i have to admit, coming back to columbus after 3+weeks at home in the nati was seriously difficult for me. normally at the end of break i'm so ready to go back to school (with the exception of spring break) and to see my friends get back to the grind, but i just couldn't get myself to be anything but sad on my way to columbus. it took everything to not sob when i said bye to my dad the night before and on my way to school during the boring drag of I-71. i told myself it would be good, that i would have fun, that i missed my friends - all of these things were true, granted.. but i just still dreading coming back. at first i though, is it because my class schedule seems very trying and difficult? or the fact that i'd have to be studying/working non-stop? no. i love being busy.. it almost drives me nuts to do absolutely nothing for days at a time... but i i just longed to stay in cincinnati. i still do, 3 days later. i feel kinda pathetic for that.. but oh well it happens.
i had a really great break this time around.. i got to see a lot of my friends and hang out with them constantly. i got the closure i've been needing and craving for months.. and i finally just felt good. constantly good. that's been hard for me to come by in the last 3ish months, but i got there and let me tell ya - it felt pretty darn good.
now that i'm back at school i'm doing better.. spent my first day back buying books, organizing and hanging out with my roomie :) tuesday was the first day of classes which was exciting and very overwhelming at the same time. i'm taking a full course load this quarter with one of the hardest classes of my major requirements as well as some other super difficult classes.. hopefully this whole no class MWF thing will give me plenty of study time. also - if you ever visit my bedroom here, you'll soon see pictures of the brain, neurons with synapses, etc posted all over my walls... because i have to memorize them. sick. oh and court cases.. i have to know a bunch of those too.. and the amendments.. woooho.
but on a very pleasing note... THE BUCKS WON THE SUGAR BOOOWWWLLLLLL. to all you haters out there, hate away. yes i know the 5 buckeyes who messed up played tuesday night but let me enlighten you - 1) most of buckeye nation would have rather them not played but be back for next season, 2) they've apologized multiple times, and buckeye nation is still making fun of them/disappointed, 3) the reason they played in the sugar bowl is because of money. not ohio state or jim tressel, 4) if any of the 5) leave for the NFL, then buckeye nation says see ya! and they will fall in a category among maurice clarrett. annnnd lastly 6) get over it, we finally beat an SEC team :) (ps, had arkansas picked up that blocked kick, they would have beaten us - whoops!)
sorrrrryy for that rant, it was just necessary
but my short break is coming to an end - and i have to go back outside in the cold to walk to my next class.. did i mention i HATE winter and cold weather (toldya the hatred would soon come after christmas ;) )
so my quote to leave you with issss:
"feelings are not suppose to be logical. dangerous is the man who has rationalized his emotions." - David Borenstein (thanks katie!!)

and a little picture loving :)

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