Tuesday, December 21, 2010

bucket list :)

alright.. i keep saying i want that on my bucket list.. so i need to actually write this stuff down! so here goes, in no particular order...
1) go to italy (va in italia!) -- all of italy people, ALL OF IT.
2) ride a tractor.. judge away, but i've always wanted to live on a farm.
3) sing in a recording studio - no, i'm not really good.. it's just one of those dreams
4) visit the homeland ;) aka ireland
5) get a tattoo for my momma (CHECK)
6) bungee jump (CHECK)
7) sky dive
8) make a wish on a shooting star - yeah, i'm that lame hahaha
9) run a marathon
10) visit all the national parks in the US
11) eat a croissant in paris and visit the louvre! (manger un croissant a paris et visite du musee du louvre)
12) go white water rafting (CHECK)
13) own a horse - (yes.. i still want a pony, and yes i'm 5 years old haha)
14) see the Macy's Day Parade in New York!
15) see a broadway play.. ON broadway
16) go to the Grand Ole Opery
17) visit the french quarter in New Orleans
18) learn to salsa
19) learn to swing dance (CHECK)
20) scuba dive of the great barrier reef :)
21) really impact someone's life - not sure if that's possible.. and it seems selfish too :/ but i know there's so many wonderful people who have impacted me.
22) hike pike's peak!
23) see an eclipse
24) well.. obviously - become a lawyer :)
25) go on a road trip - with no plans or destination planned. that would make my anxiety nuts :)
26) live in another country for 6 months - preferably europe somewhere
27) see the rain forest in south america
28) go on a mission trip in a foreign country (CHECK)
29) see pompeii
30) ride a real/adult roller coaster
31) visit a castle in england - and stone hedge.
32) go on a cruise
33) drive.. or be driven on the autobahn in germany :) - i'm a baby.. hahaha
34) learn how to surf
35) learn how to play the guitar
36) go parasailing
37) see a real moose - yes. this is that important. hahaah
38) jump off a huge rock/cliff thing into water (CHECK, CHECK)
39) see the grand canyon
40) also.. i want to see all of greece - and sorry, i don't know greek, just french and italian hah
41) i would like to see cairo, egypt
42) visit the holy lands
43) i want to seeeeee the burning man thing in nevada
44) real oktoberfest in munich
45) mardis gras in new orleans :)
46) visit san francisco and see the g.g.b. (CHECK)
47) go to boston
48) go to washington d.c. (CHECK)
49) see shamu hhahaha
50) volunteer at a battered women's shelter
51) marry the love of my life
52) let go of pain and things i cannot change
53) become a judge
54) have a family
55) experience true and utter bliss -- is that really possible? :P
56) make my mom proud of me.
57) discover myself in the process of all of this.
58) see a U.S. Supreme Court decision .. at the supreme court :)

so uh.. there it is. i'll add more i'm sure as my life goes on :)

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