so winter quarter has officially started! it's week 3 and i'm definitely ready for week 10 already. i've officially decided that i hate ohio and as soon as i graduate i'm moving below the mason-dixon line!! hahaa, okay that will probably never happen, but i can dream right? today is a high of 35! and by the end of the week it's suppose to hit 50, which is awesome... but c'mon now people, it's ohio, so i'm sure in about two weeks it'll be snowing again. saweeeet.
anyways. classes. well let's see here.. currently, i should be writing my paper for comparative studies, but i'm taking a break :)
comparative studies: so that's kicking my butt. it's interesting of course to sit around a table and debate, what really is religion and how can one define it, but the reading and understanding is pretty difficult. oh well, i'll let you know how the paper goes hah.
sociology: it seems pretty legit so far - granted we haven't taken a midterm yet so lord only knows how well i really am doing in that class. i really like my prof though because she's from south africa and just provides a different outlook on america and other cultures - so that's cooool.
history: joooooke. i mean it's just like my high school class but my ap teacher was waaaay better. my ta loves me though so that is working out in my favor, woohoooo.
psych: eeh. i'm not such a fan of my teacher. it's abnormal psych, so i enjoy the material, just not the teacher so much :/
so yeah those are my classes this quarter. as interesting as they are, i'm so ready for spring quarter to be here already. i'm ready for the warmth, i'm ready for 15 hours instead of 20, and then once june hits, cyaaaa columbus! hello cincinnati and i'm really hoping for florida this summer too lol.
uhmm. well i think that's all i have for now - it's 7am after all, not much thought happens at this hour for me ;)
you stay classy.
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