one: i want to be more involved with school. in high school i was in practically every club or group and now in college that is definitely not the case. granted, i don't want to be involved in all 300 clubs we have, but i want more. we've been recruiting a lot for the scholars programs this past week and that just instilled this need even more.
two: i want.. no i need to study abroad some how. the thing that holds me back: the outrageous price for this. so we'll try and see if i can get around that obstacle lol. where i want to go? no clue. what i want to do? not sure of that either. i could get my minor in italian if i wanted.. or try a different minor.. or just go for the hell of it. i'm okay with all 3 options ;)
three: time to get healllllthy. granted, i have no time it seems outside of homework or work this quarter - i need to keep working out, not just to be healthy, but to stay sane. it's amazing how a good work out can make you feel good inside and out. plus lord knows that it helps alleviate stress!! - aka, my life these days.
four: time to focus on me and my life. for way too long i have worried about what others want and what others need, and it's time that i finally focus on myself. not to say that i will stop caring about others - come on, it's me- but i won't be so much focused on them. i put my wants and needs on the back burner all the time and never complain, but i'm starting to realize that that is not making me happy. college is supposedly the best years of your life.. i already wasted one of those years worrying and upset 90% of the time - that's a no go from here on out!
five: uh.. i want to pick up a minor... or two. currently i'm thinking of a sociology minor, and possible either a women's studies or human development and family studies minor... not really sure about all that. still need to make some decisions there. and take a hdfs class... haha. oh well - we'll see about that later.
uhm. so i'm thinking that's about it. those are really the only things i've been thinking about lately..
h's & k's! ;)
i'm liking the changes/goals! in terms of deciding on minors... here is my advice (if i could do it all over again): choose major(s) and minor(s) that lead to the most possibility, while still being things that you love and would like to pursue. had i thought about how few schools offer theology, and even fewer are hiring, i would have widened my job options from early on. just my thoughts, that i wish i had known at the point in college you are at! :)
ReplyDeleteand you should definitely study abroad... i say studying italian. you will have so many amazing memories from that, and who knows what doors that might open!