but what i do know is- this will be our first wilson-strunk christmas where it's just emily and me here... it's weird. kyle and dave both got married this fall and now she and i are alone with our parents. dave and amy will be over christmas morning and kyle and anne will be over christmas night.. but it's still so weird. it's been a long time since i've had christmas with sean and sheyenne, and although i miss them dearly, i'm pretty use to it. i lucked out and saw them last month, and sean in october as well. since they live in cali and traveling is so dang expensive, it's been awhile since they've been here besides this last fall. we're all growing up and i never really thought about it until now. out of the 5 "kids" we range from 28-20 years, and 3 out of 5 are married. soon it'll just be my parents and we'll all be married off. eeeesh! are we all seriously this old now? hah i guess i'm still only 20 compared to the 24, 25, 27, and 28 year old lol. we're all adults now and going our own ways and it's kinda bittersweet for me. since i am the youngest it's so weird to not have sean and kyle down the hall to bug, or dave making my bathtub dirty from his greenhouse job hah. emily has never lived in our house full time so there's nothing different with us... yet.
anyways this is more or less me missing my siblings this christmas, and wishing you all a merry christmas.
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