Tuesday, December 22, 2009

my baby niece.

over the summer my brother and sister-in-law found out that they were going to be parents for the first time. i was so over joyed for them and i couldn't wait to start buying baby clothes and toys, i just had to wait to find out if it was a girl or a boy. i knew from the beginning she was having a girl -not sure how, but i just did, so when Sean called me to tell me Whitney Jill would be my niece in april, i was pumped. i was so excited to start spoiling her before Sheyenne was even 5 months along.
a few days after Sean had told me about Whitney, he called again to tell me that something was wrong with her and they weren't sure what.. My poor brother and sister-in-law have been to so many doctors and have done so much research and have prayed SO much... but it seems that their precious baby has Triploidy. Surprisingly i knew what that meant from my genetics class in high school. Humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs), but Whitney has 69. This means that for every pair of chromosomes she has, there's an extra chromosome.
according to research, it's a surprise that Sheyenne has carried Whitney so long. triploidy is lethal and normally results in spontaneous miscarriage or birth of a still born. this condition is extremely rare and there is nothing for the doctors to do for Whitney.
i don't know what you believe or whom you have faith in, but i ask for thoughts and prayers for Sean and Sheyenne. my heart breaks for them both, and i could never imagine how hurt and upset they are. i can say that i admire them and hope that i have their faith and strength if anything like this ever happens to me. i love Whitney so much and i will always love her as my first niece.

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