it's december 1st... there's something about the first of the month that is kinda, well hopeful. it's a new month - that means new changes, new surprises, maybe new friends or classes, etc. i have two more classes (after 1148) of this quarter.. that's a little nuts. finals are just a sneeze away basically - one on friday, project due tuesday, homework due wednesday and my last final next thursday.. and it's so weird to think that this quarter is basically over. THANK GOD. around this time you can always see on facebook people complaining about finals, papers, projects, etc and praying for the quarter/semester to just be done, and i am one of those people. granted academically this quarter hasn't been too hard for me.. but mentally and emotionally, this quarter has been one of my hardest of my college career. so in that aspect, i'm ready for it to
be over. i'm ready for some more changes to happen in my life and i really hope that all of those are positive ones, ones that will make me feel like i've accomplished something, ones that make me feel like these last 3 months of.. well crap, will pay off in my favor. let karma give me a little somethin somethin you know?! who knows what the heck that means anymore or if anything crazy will change... but i can hope. and i can try.
when i woke up this morning and checked my email and facebook.. yes, while i was in bed, i kept seeing statuses about snow. ahhh snow. i was kind of excited to walk to class this morning (with coffee in hand so no one died today) and thus when i walked out the door welcoming the snow on the ground.. i almost lost my life. to the sheet of ice. at my door. waiting. and if you know me, you know that i make random noises all the time, and have no fail - i yelped. it was frightening to say the least, but hey, i made it to class all in one piece, no bruises (from the ice - there are 2 very
large ones from THE Game.. not sure why...) whew. but have no fear - my bitterness towards the snow and ice hasn't begun.. i still hope that it snows when i'm walking around all over campus today.
and here's a toast, to december: please be a month of those good tidings we sing about in christmas songs. let there be only good things this month (please i think i deserve some good stuff) - here's to snow, ice skating, festival of lights at the zoo with good friends, hot chocolate, sledding like a 5 year old, christmas tree hunting with my family, present shopping, decorating with snowmen and santas and candy canes, fireplaces, christmas movies, caroling, cookie making, just hanging out with friends and/or family.. here's to all of that and then some. soooo comeeeeee onnnn december! be good to us :)
and a little throw back to last year with myranda and autumn ice skating :)

have a great first of december everyone :) i hope you can enjoy the snow here in the midwest.... or at least act like you have some :)
"if i can help somebody as i pass along, if i can cheer somebody with a word or song, if i can show somebody he's traveling wrong, then my living will not be in vain. if i can do my duty as a christian ought, if i can bring salvation to a world once wrought, if i can spread the message as the master taught, then my living will not be in vain." -- martin luther king jr. :: unfulfilled dreams
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